*Update on Anne* She has not had a bottle in over a week! Yay! No more bottles to wash! She loves whole milk and her cup...is pretty much eating everything put to her mouth...loves bananas, oatmeal, nutrgrain bars, mac and cheese, shredded cheddar, crackers, chef boy r dee meals, cheerios, green beans, mashed potatoes, and anything she can feed herself.
Bath time remains one of her favorite past times.... will not sit down in her seat; wants to stand of course... loves her spuirt toys, splashing the water, and definitely sucking on the rag.
She loves to talk...I don't think she ever stops if she is awake...she is saying dadadadada, mamamamama, and bababababa...and sometimes hey, which is really funny! As you can see, we have a lot to keep us entertained!
Looking like my Papa!!!
Lana and I can't wait to see you guys, and girls again. She sure is growing up fast.
Alan and Lana
um... i'm pretty much ready to party... are you guys?
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